EABA Constitution
- To provide an international forum within Europe for the study and discussion of matters relevant to behaviour analysis.
- To encourage high quality education and professional certification throughout Europe.
- To organize congresses/conferences in experimental and applied behaviour analysis.
- To establish and maintain relations between behaviour analysis organizations inside and outside Europe.
- To disseminate the European Journal of Behaviour Analysis.
- Maintain web pages/bulletin boards to facilitate communication.
Individual members in agreemeent with the objectives of EABA (as set out above) and who pay the specified annual fee, may join EABA.
Our membership types are listed below:
- Full member
- Affiliate/student member
- National member organization (less than 50 members)
- National member organization (50 members or more)
- Affiliated Chapters Membership / full
- Affiliated Chapters Membership / student
EABA Committee
The governing body of EABA consists of a Board of Directors ('the Committee'). The Committee is currently comprised of a President, Treasurer, Secretary, and Basic and Applied Science representatives, and will eventually include the positions of President Elect and Past President such that such one individual (President Elect-President-Past President) will be on the committee for a period of 3 years to ensure continuity.
Responsibilities of the EABA Committee
The President presides at, and arranges meetings of, the Committee and Annual General Meetings of EABA. The Secretary is responsible for the administration of the Association and for ensuring that the minutes of all meetings are collected and distributed to the Committee (and any other members as appropriate). The Treasurer is responsible for the financial status of the Association.
Annual General Meetings
The Annual General Meeting (AGM) of EABA is held every year, or at such time and place as determined by the Committee. All members are welcome to attend.
All full members of EABA have voting rights. Voting is organised by the Secretary and is conducted either by show of hands (for a public meeting) or electronically (via this website).
Annually a budget is presented by the Treasurer to be approved by the Committee at the AGM. Each member (or member association) pays EABA an annual fee determined by the Committee.
If you want to learn more about the regulation of EABA you can view the by-laws on line here > by-laws or alternatively download the by-laws below:
EABA By-laws
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BACB Provider of CEU
The EABA is an approved continuing education (ACE) provider for the BACB.